Hal yang selalu saya cari dan saya inginkan di Balikpapan
1. Free rooftop. I always want to see Balikpapan from high place, but the safe and easy one. Not like a tower, I'm phobia with high, but i love it too :(
2. Free beach. It's not mean free-paid beach. Like a place where there's only me and the sea, wind, and some people walking around. I have found it in Balikpapan,
I will explore more.
3. All cafes. I want to visit or come to all unique cafes i've never been before. In Balikpapan it's very easy to find cafe everywhere. Close to the hotels, inns, and beaches.
4. Music store. This is what i always curious about. Cuz i never come to all music stores in Balikpapan. I want to visit Prestigio, Yamaha Music School, for one necessity or buy something there.
5. Music course. I really want to join Purwacaraka Music School. On June, I was came to there to take course brochure and made course estimation to start
it on July or August, but I failed :( It almost September. However, I will start soon.
6. Photograph. I want to capture all things unique and interesting in Balikpapan, with my Nikon. But it must be the nature. Forest, park, beaches, sky, and buildings. I have to train my legs to walk longer and stronger, so it's impossible to take a picture from my bike even in slowest speed.
Those things makes me alive and that is how i make my life meaningfull and unforgettable. Have fun! Have a nice weekend :)
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Old Books Took Apart
Sabtu sore ini, saya kehabisan bacaan. Saya liat di rak buku
semuanya sudah dibaca walaupun ada yang belum selesai. Terus ngga sengaja saya mau
bongkar isi kotak di ujung kamar, tempat buku-buku lama, buku kuliah dulu saya
simpan. Oh ya, saya lulus bulan November
2013 kemarin.
Honestly I feel so sad
to open that box. Sedih karna satupun ngga ingat apa yang sudah di pelajari
kecuali buku Bahasa Inggris sama TOEIC.
Sisanya Economics, Banking, Financial, Business Mathematics,
oh- I can’t imagine it. Mungkin ini semacam pengakuan-penyesalan. Tapi saya
bener2 ngga habis pikir bisa sedih gini waktu buka kotak itu.
Oh ada satu mata kuliah yang selalu saya cintai, saya sukai.
Mata kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian yang baru ada diajarkan di semester 4,
masa-masa dimana saya semakin yakin bahwa keputusan saya masuk jurusan ini
kurang tepat. Di matkul ini, saya dapat banyak tamparan. Saya jadi tau betapa pentingnya passion didalam hidup,
saya tertarik dengan mata kuliah ini, also the lecturer, Pak Syamsul Arifin,
saya merasa beruntung. Begitu juga dosen2 lain kecuali yang ngga pernah sama
sekali mengobrol dengan saya, :/
Saya sangat antusias dan selalu antusias saat pak Syamsul
mengajar di kelas. Walaupun sebenernya saya lebih suka kalau kelas sedikit ribut, nggak tegang. Saya jadi tau
pentingnya passion, bakat, minat dalam hidup baik bekerja atau dalam hal
lainnya. Saya tau bahwa kita kadang harus melanggar peraturan jika ingin
mendapatkan sesuatu dan berhasil.
Pernah pak Syamsul memberikan tantangan peraturannya kita
harus menghubungkan 9 titik dengan satu tarikan garis tanpa terputus. Saya juga
dikasih kesempatan buat maju kedepan kelas dan coba hubungkan ke-9 titik
dipapan tulis, tapi nggak berhasil begitu juga yang lain. Selalu terputus dan
membuat saya harus membuat garis ke2. Karena ngga ada yang bisa menghubungkan
semua titik, jadi pak Syamsul lah yang nunjukin gimana caranya.
Dari sini sudah kelihatan, padahal tingkat imajinasi saya
sering ngga masuk akal tapi untuk yang satu ini, saya ngga bisa membayangkan.
Disini saya sadar, saya terlalu lama berkutat dengan angka2, padahal saya suka
berimajinasi, soal hitung2an ngga bisa di bayangkan. Well, saya emang kurang
pandai bercerita. Saya suka mengamati, membaca, menggambar, main musik, saya
kurang terlatih bercerita. Jadi mungkin ini masih belum seberapa.
Well, penyesalan saya justru bukan pada akhir tapi ada di pertengahan.
Sekitar semester 2, saya nakal dan coba untuk cari kerja. Sampai akhirnya
senior saya merekomendasikan saya untuk kerja di kantor tempat dia juga kerja.
Dan itulah tahun pertama saya kerja (2012) saya sebagai Accounting Receivable
officer. Tapi saya tetap lanjut kuliah dengan persentasi kehadiran menurun karna kecape'an kerja dan waktu kuliah sangat mepet.
I just realize about
that in second year. I was a sophomore at that moment. I wanted to stop it but
I knew I will make my parent disappoint so I continued.
Sekarang saya Cuma bisa mandangin buku2 yang udah saya
bongkar dari kotak, sekarang kotaknya udah ditutup lagi. Just looking down the
books with no words can say. Saya udah pisahin mana buku yang mau dibaca lagi,
ada Filling Management, Business English, English Conversation, Islamic
Financial Management (for this book, I take it because of its thickness, sayang
kalo ngga dibuka lagi). Sisanya buku-buku Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Banking masih
saya pandangin. Oh I’m gonna make list book that I don’t want to read anymore, teks tebal untuk buku yg masih layak baca :
- Accounting Principles (Muhammad Nuh, SE. & Suhajar Wiyoto,Drs.,Ak.,CPA.,MM.)
- Pengantar Matematika untuk Ekonomi (Prof. H. Johannes & Budiono Sri Handoko)
- Studi Kelayakan Bisnis
- Matematika Bisnis (Jusmir Sihotang)
- Ilmu Ushul Fiqih (Prof. DR. Rachmat Syafe'i, MA.)
- Ekonomi Islam, Analisis Mikro dan Makro (Abdul Aziz)
- MUHAMMAD Business Strategy and Ethics (Ini mungkin saya baca2 lagi) (M. Suyanto)
- Akuntansi Perbankan Syariah
- Ekonomi Mikro Pengantar
- Pengantar Manajemen
- Analisis Kritis atas Laporan Keuangan (ini buku yang paling membingungkan isinya, FOR ME) (Sofyan Syafri Harahap)
- Muhamad on Islamic Economic
- Operational Bank 2
- Bahasa Arab Bisnis
- Introductory Guide to the TOEIC TEST
- MODUL Microsoft office Word
- Syariah Operational Bank 1
- Akuntansi Perbankan Syariah (Dr. Muhammad , M.Ag. & Dwi Suwiknyo, SEI, MSI.)
- Konsep Kelembagaan Bank Syariah
- Asuransi Syariah (Saya lumayan suka buku ini, karna sering saya baca dan dibawa kemana mana jadi robek dari covernya)
- Islamic Financial Management
Well done, di rak buku ada
beberapa buku paket kuliah lain ukuran kecil. Cuma yang ada di list diatas ini
yang bikin sedih. Ini kalo di uangkan berapa ya kira-kira ? Heheu.
Hal yang sebanyak ini bisa aja
sekarang bikin saya bangga karna ngebayangin harganya yang ngga murah.
Sebelum saya
memutuskan untuk menulis semua ini, pikiran saya Cuma mau menyumbangkan buku2
ini, if possible. Dan sekarang penyesalan saya resmi saya tutup haha. Mungkin
ada yang menyukai buku2 akuntansi atau bahasa arab, ushul fiqih, buku bisnis,
saya dengan hati bisa ngasih buku ini bagi yang memerlukan. Untuk keperluan itu
bisa sms saya 0822-5113-6691, atau kirim pesan di facebook Tyas Alfisa atau
mention di twitter @tysalf
Okay, have fun! Bagi yang baru
lulus SMA atau yang baru naik kelas 3 SMA/sederajat, saya do’ain supaya ngga
pernah menyesal seperti saya dan ngga salah pilih jurusan.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Designing Phone Skin
Few months ago I ordered phone skin which is a photo of somewhere in Seoul. I love that skin, but I don't use it anymore. I want a skin that could describe myself and what I love, like something new. Suddenly, few hours ago before this day (it's already 2 am) I found myself writing list to buy in short period and one of them is a bicycle. I love Sarah Dessen's book, Along for the ride, maybe I'm curious about riding a bicycle again after hiatus. So, I decided to make new phone skin design first with yellow background. Just like this. Simple, eye-catchy, and fresh. Hope this will be inspiring you! :)
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What I did last night |
Information : I browsed random bike photos and found some unique of them, for a minutes i search about one of them and found that the bike is gary fisher's. I don't understand yet, whether it is a brand or like the owner. I think he's the both of what I thought and I love the design. I just edited it to cut the bike part and make it get separated with the background then save it to PNG. format. Then I drop it on yellow background, resize the bike and walaaa.. finish! Now i just waiting the right time to order the skin for my core duos.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
My Trip Plan and Tips
Seandainya dari tahun kemarin full kerja, pastilah jadi ini tiket saya bayar. Tapi kenyataannya saya lupa sama yang 1 ini. It must be next year di bulan2 Oktober :)
#ticket #airlines #jakarta #seoul #traveloka
Itu hanya capture-an instagram saya. Saya mungkin melupakan rencana saya pergi lebih cepat ke Korea. Tapi sekali lagi saya dapat semangat baru untuk membuat pos baru di blog saya setelah 'mungkin' berbagi cerita yang nggak enak soal kesulitan saya mendapatkan kerja.
So, ini sedikit tips untuk yang merencanakan liburan untuk penerbangan domestik maupun internasional.
#ticket #airlines #jakarta #seoul #traveloka
Itu hanya capture-an instagram saya. Saya mungkin melupakan rencana saya pergi lebih cepat ke Korea. Tapi sekali lagi saya dapat semangat baru untuk membuat pos baru di blog saya setelah 'mungkin' berbagi cerita yang nggak enak soal kesulitan saya mendapatkan kerja.
So, ini sedikit tips untuk yang merencanakan liburan untuk penerbangan domestik maupun internasional.
- Sebaiknya jika ingin mendapatkan harga tiket lebih murah, maka pilihlah tanggal keberangkatan pada hari Selasa. Karna biasanya pada hari tsb harga tiket akan lebih murah.
- Jika ingin bepergian atau berlibur ke luar negeri pastikan untuk memilih penerbangan yang transitnya lumayan panjang untuk mengatasi apabila terjadi delay dari Indonesia dan sebaliknya.
- Saya sarankan untuk pemesanan tiket online terpercaya di Traveloka.com karna selama ini kalau saya ingin memesan tiket hanya di wesite tsb, lebih mudah, cepat, dan sistem pembayarannya juga bervariasi. Biasanya saya pilih melalui ATM.
Itu aja sih.. Lebih dan kurangnya dimaklumi... Ini berdasarkan yang pernah saya alami dan yang pernah saya baca. Have fun!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips (Cover)
I did cover again, it's "Eyes, Nose, Lips" by Taeyang (BigBang). I really wait for Samson Go Mic but I don't have credit to buy it yet so just recorded by my phone (Samsung Core) and 2 other NCH Software to edit and mixing. "Eyes, nose, lips" is hits song in Kpop chart.. I think Taeyang is 1 of my favorite singer, cool & handsome. And ok, this is my cover.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
I Got Reply from Tarin!
Tarin has reply my message on facebook! Woah, i'm so happy. Tarin is 1 of Vanilla Acoustic members. Vanilla Acoustic is Korean acoustic band or trio. Since last 2 months i've been listening to their music. They got awesome music! 1 of my favorite song is single 'Hey You'. I got not too much word about this band, just.. it's like you will have the most relaxing time when you hear their music. Light, easy listening, deep feeling, all's good!
And i've been searching for their own social media account but i didn't find it until finally just now Tarin Like my post in their Facebook page. I was so excited to find her personal account, finally~ Not much but I feel lucky today.
I also has confirmed and received the others reply from my idols before it. Such as youtube artist and coverists, a writer. Rebecca Shearing, Hannah Trigwell, Vlad Georgescu, Phil Schawel, and Tarin. I sure those accounts are hold by themselves, not a fake account #hoping XD
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From Tarin 'Vanilla Acoustic' |
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Black Outfit
I accompanied my cousin to get in the new airport, she wanted to go back to Berau. I don't know whether it has changed the airport name but I think it's still Sepinggan Int. Airport. I was there with my mom too. Did quick sightseeing and taking some blur pictures -_ - My mom got some best snap as always (me, a good 'enough' picture taker). However I got 2 best pic of the day. I don't mind it, i'm not a model though! And.. please don't notice my pose -_- i did it for cover up my body fat. That's why I wanna start run so bad this week, also do 30 days abs challenge for the sake of my belly :D
Friday, August 8, 2014
Hannah Trigwell - Hurricane Lyric
I'm a big fans of Hannah Trigwell and this lyric is a copy, from her youtube video.
Hannah Trigwel - Hurricane
Calling out, calling out
I can see your words
They fall out, fall out
And all around, all around
Your love it suffocates
I fall down, fall down
Steal my breath - I want
you to have it all
Come on and get it, come
on and get it
All that's left - Your love
will take control
Feel it in my bones, see
you and I know
You got that something
and I want it right now
Fell it taking hold, never
let me go
Take me down and show
me how
You got me like
(Oh oh uh - oh oh)
I feel the thunder in my veins
You hit me like a hurricane
And I will never be the same
You hit me like a hurricane
Rain down, rain down
They say a storm is coming
Here now, here now
And I'll step outside
Take my chances on you
All night, all night
In too deep - there's no
way back from here
I'm drowning in love, I'm drowning
You're the one who'll save me from my fears
Feel it in my bones, see you and I know
You got that something and I want it right now
Feel it taking hold, never let me go
Take me down and show me how
You got me like
(Oh oh uh - oh oh)
I feel the thunder in my veins
You hit me like a hurricane
And I will never be the same
You hit me like a hurricane
I will surrender my heart to the storm
And I will give all of me to you
Feel it in my bones, see you and I know
You got that something and I want it right now
Feel it taking hold, never let me go
Take me down and show me how
You got me like
(Oh oh uh - oh oh)
I feel the thunder in my veins
You hit me like a hurricane
And I will never be the same
You hit me like a hurricane
I can see your words
They fall out, fall out
And all around, all around
Your love it suffocates
I fall down, fall down
Steal my breath - I want
you to have it all
Come on and get it, come
on and get it
All that's left - Your love
will take control
Feel it in my bones, see
you and I know
You got that something
and I want it right now
Fell it taking hold, never
let me go
Take me down and show
me how
You got me like
(Oh oh uh - oh oh)
I feel the thunder in my veins
You hit me like a hurricane
And I will never be the same
You hit me like a hurricane
Rain down, rain down
They say a storm is coming
Here now, here now
And I'll step outside
Take my chances on you
All night, all night
In too deep - there's no
way back from here
I'm drowning in love, I'm drowning
You're the one who'll save me from my fears
Feel it in my bones, see you and I know
You got that something and I want it right now
Feel it taking hold, never let me go
Take me down and show me how
You got me like
(Oh oh uh - oh oh)
I feel the thunder in my veins
You hit me like a hurricane
And I will never be the same
You hit me like a hurricane
I will surrender my heart to the storm
And I will give all of me to you
Feel it in my bones, see you and I know
You got that something and I want it right now
Feel it taking hold, never let me go
Take me down and show me how
You got me like
(Oh oh uh - oh oh)
I feel the thunder in my veins
You hit me like a hurricane
And I will never be the same
You hit me like a hurricane
My Apps
These are some applications on my Samsung core. I think I do arrange it well and only install all important apps. I have all popular social networking accounts, such as Path, Wechat, Pinterest, Instagram, FB & Twitter. Messenger like G-Talk, Yahoo, Kik!, etc. But I don't use some of them anymore. Hiatus. So these are some apps that still available on my phone. It's a must!
- BBM for Android (Chatting with my family and close friends)
- Square InstaPic
- Dodol Launcher
- Pinterest (My favorite app)
- Whatsapp (Only use when I want to order some Korean stuffs and chatting with my boyfriend)
- Kakaotalk (Chatting with Olia Onni in South Korea)
- Mandiri Mobile (not active yet)
- MX Player Pro
- Games : 3D Bowling, Death Moto, Pool Mania, Raging Thunder
- CoolSymbols
- Tokobagus (OLX) (Sometimes, I am being a seller)
- Islamic Surah Al-Mulk
- Kamus (Dictionary Bahasa Indonesia - English)
- Currency (Check rate of exchange)
- Ringtone Maker (Not really important)
- Camera360 (I just love V2 Lights, Magic Sky, Film Flex, LOFT & Enhance effects)
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Movie Review : RUNAWAY (2014)
This is my first time doing movie review and it's Indonesian movie. Runaway sets in Hongkong, starring Ahmad Al Ghazali Kohler (Al) as Musa, Tatjana Saphira Hartmann as Tala.
I translated the synopsis from XXI.
Tala live with her mother and her uncle in Hongkong. Her mother (Dewi Irawan) who was an ex-female worker (TKW in bahasa Indonesia) is sick and needs medical treatment.They are trapped because their passport is in problem, they are illegal in Hongkong. Finally, Tala following her uncle, Toni (Edward Akbar) who is habitually to gambling and drunk and Tala became a street pickpocket.
Once Tala pilfer wallets and passports belonging to Musa (Al Ghazali), the only son of Surya Djatmoko (Ray Sahetapy) a businessman who intends to expand its financial business in Hong Kong. Genesis was the beginning of the first meeting Tala and Musa, who got stuck and always trying to run away from their problems. For Musa, Tala is the answer to all boredom and anger at his father. Instead, Tala saw Musa is a way out of all difficulties of life in this foreign land. Once finally, they found true love, grow in their hearts, but they do not see no future for their relationship. Tala realizes that his relationship with Musa is not real. They come from two different worlds. However, this time they dont know what else to run to.
Watch trailer : RUNAWAY Trailer
I have no idea about this movie before I watch it. But I always read the movie synopsis first before going to cinema. The plot is quite interesting but the first point that I love is the place sets, Hongkong. And my anxiousness was paid.. I really enjoy this movie. The movie's plot is light even with the serious conflict but I found some lil comedy in its plot. I love Al Ghazali in real life and in this movie. They look the same. While Tatjana Saphira, it is my first time to know her name. All I wanna say is this is a good film. Good job for all stars and good job for all people behind this movie. And also good job for anyone who starring the mafia, you all did some horrified moments, hair-raising, and horrible parts. At the end, this movie makes me speechless and wanna cry but I didn't. I just wanna re-watch this movie if I can.
Ray Sahetapy
Ray Sahetapy
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