Sunday, May 20, 2018


/ appreciate /

appreciate more
what's around
you can take what you wanted
but remember to give some 

take & give
sometimes people forget
they only want to take what they deserve
without even thinking what they could contribute for

respect more
respect what people think
what others do
we don't need to judge too much 
honestly, you can live well without judging 

Thursday, May 17, 2018


/ finally /

Finally one of my dreams becoming true
I remember when i was in high school
And even some years before it
When i was in junior high school
And even since i was started my first year
I was 5 when i entered the elementary school

I moved to the other cities
With my heroes
Mom and Dad
My little brother, Novan
And I remember when my mom gave us a big happiness when Novid was born

My eyes're teary
My head's dizzy

I feel i'm alive with all the pains i left last night
That i have to forgive myself
All of my sins and all of the mistakes i made
They are a good people around me
I will never blame anyone

One of my dreams becoming true
They helps me, so
Why did i blame everyone ?
Why do i have to complain ?

Please, don't blame my feelings
I never lied
I want to love everyone
And please don't change it
I will stay like this
And i will always changing
But my love stay inside

I used to be like this :
"I have a dream to be a writer someday"
(Seeing my name printed on one of books at Gramedia)
"I want to feel the euphoria"
(Singing in front of many peoples)
"I want to work in international company"
(My mom and my people are happy now)
"I will be better"
(I keep re-arrange all the dreams and speak it to my close people)

I know
These days my head thinking so random
But i know i'm heading the brighter days
One by one
Day by day
Just believe in yourself
The final result won't betray your effort

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Biaya Hidup di Balikpapan 2018

So, this time i want to share about living cost in Balikpapan. FYI, i don't live with my mom anymore so, that's why i want to give a detail for you who want to live here as an employee or student. Tapi bukan untuk kos-kosan. Karna saya belum pernah ngekos sebelumnya.

So i rent a house with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, terrace (teras). Jadi saya nyewa 1 rumah. Itu seperti rumah susun tapi cuma 2 lantai. Di lantai 1 ada 6 rumah, di lantai atas 6 rumah. Dan bayarnya perbulan. 

Lokasi rumah saya itu di tengah kota banget. Jadi, strategis mau kemana aja gitu, terjangkau dan mudah. Walau agak sulit karna untuk di daerah Balikpapan Tengah kebanyakan rumah itu masuk ke dalam gang kecil, ada juga gang yang besar tapi mostly kecil. So, kalau misalnya kita lebih sering bepergian menggunakan transportasi umum kayak angkot or taksi, harus extra power jalan kaki ke rumah yang medannya itu biasanya nanjak. Tapi, kalau yang udah hafal gimana Balikpapan yang literally emang banyak gunungnya, ya pasti akan terbiasa. 

Kenapa rumah sewa bukan kos ?
Karena barang saya lumayan banyak dan saya lebih suka kalau punya privasi sendiri contohnya saat masak. Karna kalau kos, otomatis dapurnya dan kadang toiletnya sharing gitu. That's it.

Saya sudah tinggal sendiri sekitar 6 bulan. Perbulannya itu untuk rumahnya sendiri Rp 1.000.000 sudah include air. Listriknya beli token sendiri biasanya habis 200-250 ribu/bulan. Fyi, alat elektronik yang saya pakai antara lain kulkas, mesin cuci, laptop, hp, kipas angin, setrika dan lampu. TV ada, tapi rusak. Jadi lebih banyak pake listrik untuk ngecharge.

Untuk biaya makan, bensin dan lainnya saya ga tentu. Fixed expense cuma di rent fee sama listrik. 
Kalo untuk makan biasanya saya cuma beli ikan 1 kg misalnya 30 ribu itu untuk 3 hari sisanya bisa telur, bisa yang lain.

Jadi kalo 1 bulan 4x beli ikan habisnya 120 ribu.
Biasanya di awal bulan saya juga beli beras 5 kg itu kira2 65 ribu.
Air galon 5 ribu, biasanya isi 2-3 kali aja sebulan. 
Bensin 1 bulan kira2 100 ribu (murah amat aha)
Kuota data 1 bulan kira2 100 ribu.
Dan lainnya depends sama kebutuhan sih.

Untuk bensin dan makan siang saya di tanggung perusahaan jadi lebih ringan.

So, that's all i guess. Untuk fixed expense per month totalnya adalah Rp 1.600.000,00

Okay, that's it. Life is a struggle guys. Enjoy that

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mr. Headbox !!

Rasanya Nyanyi Bareng Mr. Headbox

Biasa aja
Iya, biasa aja 
Terus ?

He's very humble, friendly, so kiiind for me. And what else ?
This is not my first time singing with my friend but this time the atmosphere is really different. Simple principal. I like his simple style and thoughts about music. And i like that he keeps supporting others and keep creating new things. He's positive.

And about this cover. I hope i can do it continually like i did before. So, it's such a comeback. I know right, i will never stop doing these stuffs. Hope you enjoy what i made. Give comments, and requests ;) 

Aaand like always
Have a nice day!