Wednesday, November 28, 2018

18. Mind & The City 2018

Hi. Let me introduce myself one more time. My name is Tyas Alfisa. I'm a blogger, i'm a musician. I'm the first child of lovely mom and ofcourse my dad in heaven. Mind & The City is one of my project. I believe that someday i will transform it into a book. I'm always excited because it's a combination of my real life and fiction. Why fiction ? Because i love every narration inside my head wherever i go. I don't care if my blog's view getting down by my stupid mistake, i don't wanna know the end. I just want to continue and start all over again. React like it's my first time. I remember when my blog hit 8000 views, i was so grateful. It's amazing! But now i realize that the number is not really matter but my passion, it's the most important thing in my life. I can't imagine my life without a passion. I don't know what i want, i don't know where to go. But my life has been so great. I avoid bad people. I don't want they ruin my life anymore. It's good to stay in small circle. I know my people now, are the best. Thanks for staying good, especially for yourself. 

Actually, it's raining outside. It's my 9th day being jobless, no surprise. Just like what i wanted a couple months ago. I miss my friends at work. Especially Anggi. She knows me well. My bad habit, my problems, my passion. I know her too, but we never texting, chatting, and so on. Skype-ing at work just a bit. They are my best co workers so far. 6 years working experience and that one is my best experience ever. 

I'm done my breakfast, a super late breakfast. A bit burnt cheese sandwich, and i'm going to make a cup of coffee. We (Anggi and I) used to go to pantry at 10 or earlier, to make a cup of tea, milk, or coffee, or just refill our 600 ml drink bottle. Ok, wait. I'll be back.

15 minutes later..

Okay, i'll be back.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


so, me and my friend (Ayu) thought that we have similar taste about anything. but.. evidently, two open-minded person also has different taste. like i love GAC but i've watch them a few years ago. it was her first time maybe, last Sunday watching them. i wanted to see Danilla on Saturday, and she wanted to see GAC on Monday. Different places. And our houses are quiet far. It's easy for me to cancel all plans, but we did it. 2 orang mager finally went out.

Danilla Danilla

Virgie & Monica

Ayu's and my naked feet

cool telecaster

Erick Giri, the handsome one that night haha

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Before You Exit - Silence (Chord)

Fm C# G# (the whole song)
Why's everyone always talking?
Noise in my head, but it’s nonsense
I can't feel nothing
Don't overthink how we started
Knew from the second you walked in
This could be something
Everybody’s looking for love to start a riot
But every time I look in your eyes
The world gets quiet
So let it go, let it fall, let it fly
We'll keep on trying
'Cause I knew I was in love with you
When we sat in silence
I'm wide awake while I'm dreaming
Seeing in your eyes what you're thinking
So please don't worry
Know that I'll always be waiting
Do you believe what I’m saying? (no)
I’m in no hurry
Everybody's looking for love to start a riot
But every time I look in your eyes
The world gets quiet
So let it go, let it fall, let it fly
We’ll keep on trying
'Cause I knew I was in love with you
When we sat in silence
Sat in silence
Sat in silence
Sat in silence
When we sat in silence
Sat in silence
Sat in silence
Sat in silence
When we sat in silence
'Cause I knew I was in love with you
When we sat in silence

Friday, November 23, 2018

My Recording Kit

Seringkali aku diminta untuk review apa aja alat yang aku pakai buat rekaman ala kadar buat di Youtube. Jujur aja, aku udah lama break, mungkin setahunan. Aku udah mulai collect barang-barang ini dari tahun 2014 tapi ganti-ganti terus, begitu terus sampai mungkin kali ini udah fix ngga akan gonta-ganti lagi. Karna emang awalnya ngga tau kan mana yang bener-bener pas dan dibutuhkan. Nanti juga bakalan aku kasitau DAW dan aplikasi apa aja yang pernah aku gunain. Plus harga-harganya. Semoga membantu ya!
What's in that box ?
Microphone aku beli di Lazada yang dari Tiongkok, sebenarnya ada yang dari Indonesia. Tapi aku belum pernah beli, dari BM8000, BM800, sampai BM700 selalu yang langsung dari sananya. Harganya juga lebih mahal dikit, tapi materialnya bagus. Aku ngga tau perbedaannya, mungkin ada yang punya sama ?

XLR Cable nya udah lama aku beli di toko musik dekat rumah. Sengaja custom soalnya pake yang bawaan dulu, noisenya banyak. Ngga tau masalah kabel atau iya, setelah diganti, masalahnya kelar.

Shockmount. Nah ini, biasanya paket microphone jenis BM ini nyertain shockmount besi yang mahal itu. Tapi terakhir kali beli kok ngga ada shockmountnya, jadilah cari promo lagi di Lazada ketemu yang itu, materialnya plastik tapi kuat. Harganya 20 ribu, ongkir 20 ribu.

Soundcard. Ini yang paling sering ditanyain orang ke aku. Sejauh ini, setelah pake 2 jenis. Aku kembali memilih behringer, karena sesuai kebutuhan. Focusrite solo sepertinya kemahalan buat dipake Tyas. Materialnya plastik tapi nggak cemas naro dimana mana. Kalo focusrite disayang2 banget dah.

Camera. Alhamdulillah rejeki pemimpi. Dapat kamera asli Jepang, notanya Jepang. Made in Japan. Walaupun second, berbekal keyakinan dan pengalaman belanja online (sampe di ejekin belanja online mulu!), dapet kamera yang di mau selama ini. Canon G10, bentar lagi bisa dibilang legendaris karena umurnya sudah 10 tahun sejak produknya dirilis.

Audio Software
Software rekamannya aku pake Adobe Audition CC. Kalo buat beat pake LMMS, MuLab, Stagelight, tapi itu ngga selalu dipake. Stagelight keren, ada Linkin Park editionnya dan pernah di presentasi Mike di Stagelight Mentor Session sama Lauren Dair. Aku tau Stagelight dari Lil Doctor BDB. Sesama fans beratnya LP, excited banget waktu installing app ini. Visualnya keren. Aku sih, semua DAW keren. Cuma ya itu, kenapa belum pake Fruity Loops yang awam dipake Youtuber karna device yang belum memadai. So, Adobe Audition cukup untuk aku yang cuma ngegunain fitur-fitur basic dan mudah banget dipakai. Ada nih software legendaris yang pertama kali aku pake Cool Edit Pro sama Wavepad & Mixpad NCH Software. 

Video Editor
Kalau untuk video editing sekarang aku pakai Sony Vegas Pro 12. Kalo dulunya pernah pake Videopad NCH Software, AVS video editor sama Filmora. Hanya saja, Filmora agak susah ngatur menit dan detiknya. AVS lumayan bagus dan lumayan lama saya pake, nggak tau kenapa mau ganti editor aja waktu itu. 

Kalau laptop aku pake Asus A43S, processor Intel Core i3-2310M, 2.1 GHz, RAM 4GB, Win 7.

Hmm, sepertinya itu saja ya ? Kalau ada yang mau tanya silahkan. Di instagram juga boleh > @tyasalfisa Oh iya guys, jangan lupa pantau terus channel aku ya, siapa tau aku lagi nggak mager dan bikin cover baru ^^ Jangan lupa Subscribe juga ya! :D Kalau mau request lagu, silahkan komentar disana, freeee!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

17. I Hate to Say Goodbye, So I Didn't Say It

I hate to say goodbye, so didn't say it.
Two days ago was my last day at office. I didn't quit/resign. It's end of my contract. And now sure, i'm jobless. I'm in the middle of two feelings, happy and confuse. Happy cause i can get my free time back after 1 year and confuse.. where to go, what to do. I have a lot of things in my mind. 

8:34 AM
As always, in the morning i check my email. But this morning is kinda different. I've just done my breakfast, mie goreng instan, satu tusuk sate, now watching a movie about Udon, my first anime to watch, gonna finish it until the last episode. I slept from 5 to 5 (this morning). It's rare moment, but i think i do need it. And i did it. 

Farewell gift
I never expected this before. All i knew was i have bring something like cookies or anything for them. I never think that it would be a farewell thing. But on the last day, my supervisor called me to come to her room and called all my co workers, 4 girls, my friends. They gave me a gift. A big box i never get before. And it was short meeting. I can't say much. Then i went to another room. I didn't say goodbye but did handshake and took some pictures. Not all member in my department but the closest, i mean i close to them, but the office hour was already over that time. So yah. I think that's an emotional day number 2 after Lebaran. 

Thanks a lot! I love them, i love my team, i love my department. Good luck for everyone there. And for the company also.. Good Luck!


Training Centre, Thiess (Balikpapan, 2018)

Friday, November 2, 2018

16. two weeks left..

"you should see her, ask about your contract. it will be end in 4 weeks right?"
"yea. i think so."

Thursday, November 1, 2018

15. rutinitas

Rancang Rencana terputar dibelakang satu dua tab di dalam kepalaku. Jujur, aku nggak begitu sering mendengarkan album penyanyi Indonesia. Hanya beberapa dan tak sering. Tapi aku mencoba. Kali ini Kunto Aji yang baru merilis sebuah Album, aku mendengarkan sekilas lagu-lagunya melalui Youtube. Enak sekali lagunya. Nyata, sederhana, diri sendiri. Epic! I'm still listening to Rancang Rencana, it's day 2.

Lalu ?
Seharian ini terjebak dalam rutinitas pekerja kontrak. Tidak bawa headset, sengaja biar telinga tidak lelah mendengar musik dan bisa lebih fokus kepada tunggakan kerjaan yang harus diselesaikan akhir bulan Oktober. Lagipula daun telingaku ada tumbuh jerawat, mengganggu sekali. Rutinitas yang kompleks sehingga target minum air putih pun meleset. Disekitar rahang dan telinga ada tumbuh jerawat menandakan kurang minum air walaupun menurutku sudah tidak kurang. Mungkin faktor lain. Contohnya trouble sleeping yang akhir-akhir ini ngetrend. Aku benar-benar menyukai tidur yang berkualitas. And i hate when i can't sleep well. 

Mimpi buruk, badan tidak fit, pikiran ingin liburan, bucket list yang membuat tangan gatal untuk mencoret mereka satu persatu. Hubungan antar manusia disekitar yang tidak lagi intens. Semuanya berubah. Bukan. Aku yang selalu berubah.

Jeremy Zucker juga punya karya yang sederhana dan nyata. Akhir-akhir ini aku selalu putar talk is overrated.