Saturday, October 17, 2015


Hi everyone! Have a nice weekend~ It’s seems like long time no write anything here. But this time I want to say thank you so much for visiting my blog. It’s already 10.000 VIEWS! Uhm, sorry if this is too much, but I think it’s not easy to reach 10,000 views from blogging, (right?) Kkk.

Anyway, I did something to my wishlist which can you see around my blog’s header. I added so many list there, I try to be more brave about dreams cuz I don’t have much time to wait, who knows, right? 

In Indonesia, especially Sumatra and Kalimantan, we are suffering about the fumes (caused by forest fire). That we have to use mask everyday, everywhere. I’m afraid of this situtation. I hope this problem will be solved soon. I think we need rain. Even I’m thankful about the views of my blog, but I’m not 100% happy right now. I think it’s balance now, happy and sad. 

I got a job!
Back to good news, I got a job! It’s been a week. I never imagine before that I will be placing in big company, even it’s only 2 months. I’m about to give up to get a right job. But now, I think I’m okay with this job. However, I keep looking for another job,  cuz it’s only 2 months contract. Yippie!

Next List
I’m trying to complete my list one by one from now. So, when it’s done I will tell the next list i’ll do soon. 
  • Visit and take all Balikpapan city's parks photos
  • Buy a laptop

Acoustic Cover (SNSD - Party)

I did a cover of SNSD about a week ago. I think i will do more acoustic covers next time. Hope you guys dig it. Thank You!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

21 Lessons in 21 Years

This is a late post, it's already October however i want to do this. I'm already turn 21 in the last February. My father was died on the same date as my 21th birthday. I knew there's so many points of my bucket list that i can't complete now. But i am a optimist dreamer, i remembering what i've learned in these 21 years. About my unsatisfied graduation, about getting a job, about having good friends, good family, about my best daddy. It's random list, but I hope it's help you to find yourself.

  1. You can always do what you want.
  2. Try something new, it's fun.
  3. If you don't like it, don't see it. Don't get close to it.
  4. Success is not all about money and wealth but to be happy. 
  5. Dream is important. I remember my dad said before he left us, that i have to study again, work and buy a house for mom and my brothers. Arrange dream help us to reach what we want in life.
  6. You know what's best about you; for you; and from you. 
  7. No matter what others say, at least you are happy.
  8. I'm happy when i see my family happy. Have time with them is the most precious thing. 
  9. I want to be the one of economy rescuer in this country (Indonesia). By the way i give my support to Mr. Arkand Bodhana about his mission to change name "Indonesia" to "Nusantara". 
  10. Write a story, lyrics, poem, anything. It help you to cure your heart.
  11. Cook something to someone is a form of happiness.
  12. I'm happy when i play guitar and sing 'til i'm sweating.
  13. Don't thinking too long, your chance is now, just right now.
  14. Makeup helps me. 
  15. Healthy food; eat schedule is important. 
  16. Nobody can change you, but you.
  17. Have many friends is good but you have to choose who's best, because a friend is your reflection.
  18. If you don't like where you stand, move. 
  19. Anyone deserve the best include you, so be kind to anyone.
  20. You don't have to see the whole stairs, just take the first step.
  21. Everyday is a gift, be thankful, be happy.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Muse Place

Muse Place

It's been almost 5 years since we moved here, to Balikpapan. I've spent 10 years living in Loa Kulu, a district in Kutai Kartanegara, 3 years in North Sumatra and the rest is in South Borneo, i was born there. So far, i love Balikpapan most. I just have realize that everything i see right now is amazing than when i went to college 2 years ago. I have many times to muse over something that caused by idleness. I realize, i didn't control my time well. I realize that most of my wishlist is not come true yet. And the most of the bold thing is i'm not continue my study yet now. I want to start all over again, begin with my main wishes. Like study English literature or take English course, music course, writing a book, compose a song and build a house.

There's no end. I think everyday is new beginning. And i'm thankful to God who gave me a chance to breath today to muse over my life.

I'm now typing at my grandpa's house, our house in Loa Kulu. I have so many best place to come back, to find myself again and again but i think Loa Kulu is the best place for now. We have cozy house, i have best friends here, my school is near to our house. I used to walking by foot to go there. I never imagine before that i will grow up here.

Balikpapan gives me the best change. It was my dream city before Jakarta. There's some dream cities i have. Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Penang, Singapore, Guangzhou, Seoul, and London. And each city has its reason why i really want to live there, even just a week. I really want to try.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Review Samson C03U

Well, Samson C03U adalah mic kedua yang aku beli. Got this mic, sekitar bulan April lalu. Sebelumnya aku pernah punya dan me-review Samson Go Mic, setelah dijual, aku rasa harus punya pengganti. Jadi, aku pilih C03U. Again, kenapa mic USB lagi? Karena, aku lebih suka yang portable dan multi pattern mic sih. Walaupun mic ini nggak masuk kriteria portable karna ukurannya besar, tidak seperti Go Mic yang handy banget, but no problem. I love this mic. 

Waktu itu, agak susah mencari toko online yang menjual Samson c03u karena belum re-stock. Tapi aku nemuin link Soraya Musik Jakarta. Aku minta keep dengan DP 400 ribu dan baru dilunasi akhir bulan April. Aku baru sadar nih, baru banget yah punya Go Mic then dijual dan beli yang beda lagi. 

Untuk packaging, simple. What will you get inside box are manual book, CD installer of Cakewalk music software, kabel USbnya, mini tripod, case, and then gear untuk pasang mic ke standar mic stand, dan tentunya Micnya sendiri.

Waktu pertama kali hands on, micnya lumayan berat. Kalo ngga hati-hati, jatuh kena kaki lumayan nih rasanya ㅋㅋㅋ

Ke bagian body. Dibagian depan ada LED yang akan menyala menandakan mic sudah terhubung ke laptop. Di sebelah kiri dan kanan ada switcher yang bisa dilihat sendiri iconnya. Dan di bagian belakang.. nah sebenarnya ini kriteria mic yang aku pilih, yang multi pattern. Sama dengan go mic, c03u juga multi pattern. Ada 3 pola, cardioid, omny cardioid, and -10dB.  Ini banyak kegunaannya guys, bisa buat vokal, instrumen, atau keduanya.

Samson c03u ini, aku beli yg single. Untuk yang lainnya ada yg datang dengan paket recording lengkap kayak headphone, pop filter, dan shockmount tapi harganya lumayan jauh. Yang USB ini aku beli Rp 1,5 juta di Soraya Musik Jakarta (online). 

So, mic ini bagus dan cukup untuk home recording. Waktu itu aku ada liat juga sih di studio recording, walaupun mereka lebih sering pake Neumann, at least i saw c03 there too. Hehe. Ok, segitu aja reviewnya. Untuk hasil suara bisa denger di soundcloud atau Youtube saya. Terima kasih. Have a nice day!

Monday, September 14, 2015

I Want to Go Anywhere

My mind says i gotta find new place
Maybe the city park
Chill.. read novel
Watch 'running man'
But i am now at my dark bedroom
51 grams of chocolate heals me
Music played loud enough through the earphone
Nothing to do
Nowhere to be
No one to be

"Perfectly lonely"
John mayer is singing now

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Mahavihara Buddha Manggala

Pictures taken at Mahavihara Buddha Manggala, Balikpapan, Indonesia
On September 5, 2015
I went to this monastery to look around with my friend, Aulia.

We can't enter the main room where the big buddha statue placed

Don't ask about this pose kkk

Honestly, i just opened my new online shop through Instagram and will sell one of them is bag which i wore in this picture.

Mahavihara Buddha Manggala location is in :
JL. MT.Haryono RT 43 No. 153, Graha Indah Ring Road, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, 76114

Monday, September 7, 2015

Don't Wasting Time

Honestly, aku udah cukup. Cukup lama. Setelah 2 tahun lulus dan belum dapat pekerjaan yang bagus. Bagus dalam hal-hal baik untuk pengalaman hidup, well anggap aja emang salah aku (: Pertama. Walaupun sudah tau passion aku apa sejak SMP, tapi pas lulus SMA malah nggak lari kesana. Dulu (waktu lulus SMA) ada 2 pilihan, jurusan Sastra Inggris atau Seni Musik. Tapi malah masuk jurusan Keuangan dan Perbankan Syari'ah yang mana dari SMA ngga pernah bisa pelajaran ekonomi. Tau kan gimana susahnya memahami materi dari awal.

Actually, what i did these 2 years? I was dreaming, maybe? Normal people life will happen like this :
  • Graduate
  • Search for a job, googling job vacancy
  • Apply for a job
  • Test and interview
  • Pass the tests and start to work
Sedangkan aku :

  • Graduate
  • Search for a job, googling job vacancy
  • Apply for a job
  • Test and interview
  • Pass the tests 
  • Work during 2 months and resigned

I did it maybe 4 or 5 times in 2 years and i can't write it on my CV. Is it about passion? Is it not my passion? Oh yas! Lagi lagi tentang passion. Waktu kuliah semester 3, ada dosen matkul pengembangan kepribadian. Alm. Pak Syamsul Arifin, dosen favorit selama kuliah, yang membuka mataku lebih lebar lagi tentang passion. Setiap pertemuan selalu ditunggu-tunggu materi beliau. But i don't know, the others maybe didn't too interest in it. Beliau ngejelasin gimana bekerja dengan passion, mencintai pekerjaan itu penting, passion adalah kunci sukses, dll. Beliau juga pernah memberi contoh.

"Kalau dari kecil David Beckham tinggal di Balikpapan, mungkin nggak dia jadi pemain sepakbola yang terkenal? Kalo misalkan dia jadi pedagang atau kerja kantoran, apa bisa setenar kalau dia jadi pemain sepakbola? Kenapa dan apa yg salah?" 

Yup. Tempat. Kota/negara. Faktor lokasi dimana seseorang itu tinggal adalah salah satu kunci sukses. Berapa bulan yang lalu ada yang post quote ini di Instagram : "If you don't like where you stand, move. You're not a tree." Yup! Setuju. Kamu bukan pohon yang nggak punya kaki buat pindah. Setidaknya dengan eksplorasi tempat kamu bisa punya pilihan mana yang lebih baik. Walau akan muncul banyak masalah setelah itu, but itu urusannya nanti.

Berkaitan sama apa yang aku maksud di atas "akan muncul banyak masalah baru, meskipun kita sudah memilih pilihan yang tepat". Alm.pak Syamsul pernah juga memberikan contoh.

Apa yang dilakukan ikan ikan kecil di laut saat mereka harus hidup/tinggal dengan ikan besar yang most of them adalah pemangsa ikan kecil? Bagaimana cara mereka bertahan hidup? Kalau dimudahkan, kita pindahkan aja ikan ikan tadi ke satu wadah yang tidak terlalu besar dan masukkan juga ikan hiu kecil kedalamnya, apa yang akan terjadi dengan ikan ikan kecil ?

Sudah pasti akan ketakutan, kan? Karna ada ikan hiu yang siap memangsa mereka. Tapi ikan ikan kecil tidak akan bertahan hidup kalo mereka diam. Diam = mati. Ikan ikan kecil harus tetap berenang menjauhi ikan hiu kecil untuk tetap hidup. Yang optimis, dia selamat.

Nah, sama seperti halnya manusia. Kalo kamu berdiam diri sama aja dengan kamu mati (kasarnya). Kalo mau lapar tapi kamu diam aja, nanti kamu pingsan. Sesederhana itu. Kalau ada masalah, pasti ada ketakutan, kekhawatiran, tapi yang paling penting adalah bagaimana solusinya. So, the key of success, salah satunya passion dan solusi. Jadi kalo kamu yang masih SMP atau punya adik, sepupu, atau mungkin pacar?yang masih SMP atau bahkan SD beruntung sekali kalo sudah tau passionnya apa. Karna nggak ada kata sia-sia nantinya. Well, walaupun bagi aku ga ada yang sia sia di dunia ini. Semua ada manfaatnya (: bahkan if bad things happen. Hmm. So.. maaf ya topiknya kali ini "agak bukan aku." Hanya mencoba hal baru (: as always. Have a nice day!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Erau International Folk and Art Festival 2015

I went to Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara on last Saturday (June, 6th 2015) to watch Erau International Folk and Art Festival 2015. 14 countries are invited to participate in that Festival. Opening ceremony was hold at Stadion Rondong Demang, Tenggarong. It was amazing to come to there. Whereas, when i was in high school, it will be easy to watch them because i was living there. So, i went by motorcycle with my friend around 4 hours. Here is some photos i took there. Not the best shot, but i was happy enough to see the festival. 

We started at Waduk Panji, Tenggarong (Saturday, June 6th).

My fave outfit all day long -___-

We headed the center of Tenggarong. Met creative park there.

Sunday, June 7th.

Korea ^^

Proud of them