Monday, December 18, 2017
Friday, December 1, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
GAC - SUARA (Lirik & Chord)
Bb C
ku bertanya pada waktu
Bb C
apa ada jalan keluar
Bb C
ku ragu untuk menunggu
Bb C
pada kesempatan kedua
tak kuasa ku menyimpan
tak jua kan ku melawan
nuraniku, nuraniku
akan dapatkan jawabnya
dan kini tlah kutetapkan
yakin aku mengungkapkan
naluriku, naluriku
tak ada yang sia-sia
perlahan menggantikan yang terdahulu
Bb C
terdiam menantikan badai berlalu
tak akan dapat tergantikan
ku temukan arah tujuan
ku layangkan harapanku
ku tentukan langkah ke depan
dan kini tlah kutetapkan
yakin aku mengungkapkan
nuraniku, nuraniku
tak ada yang sia-sia
perlahan menggantikan yang terdahulu
Bb C
terdiam menantikan badai berlalu
tak akan dapat tergantikan
satu arahku
satukan tujuan
tetap melaju
jangan berhenti
dengar kata hatimu
perlahan menggantikan yang terdahulu
Bb C
terdiam menantikan badai berlalu
tak akan dapat tergantikan
ku bertanya pada waktu
Bb C
apa ada jalan keluar
Bb C
ku ragu untuk menunggu
Bb C
pada kesempatan kedua
tak kuasa ku menyimpan
tak jua kan ku melawan
nuraniku, nuraniku
akan dapatkan jawabnya
dan kini tlah kutetapkan
yakin aku mengungkapkan
naluriku, naluriku
tak ada yang sia-sia
perlahan menggantikan yang terdahulu
Bb C
terdiam menantikan badai berlalu
tak akan dapat tergantikan
ku temukan arah tujuan
ku layangkan harapanku
ku tentukan langkah ke depan
dan kini tlah kutetapkan
yakin aku mengungkapkan
nuraniku, nuraniku
tak ada yang sia-sia
perlahan menggantikan yang terdahulu
Bb C
terdiam menantikan badai berlalu
tak akan dapat tergantikan
satu arahku
satukan tujuan
tetap melaju
jangan berhenti
dengar kata hatimu
perlahan menggantikan yang terdahulu
Bb C
terdiam menantikan badai berlalu
tak akan dapat tergantikan
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
12. Mind & The City: Dear Twin
November 5th 2017
This isn't special date until i knew a girl named Chong Xiaoshan (Guangzhou, 2011). And this is unplanned to write story about my twin, Alan. Why am i here ? To be honest, it is because i want to post a poem about my ex. But my mood changed. So, Alan, he is not my real twin, but i used to called him like that since we knew each other 3 years ago. He was born 1 day before me. So it is February 22th 1994. He is also the first child and the first grandchild, just like me. We have similar mindset and condition. He is my bestfriend, he never force me to be like this or that. We are just being ourselves. We once almost fell in a 'dangerous' zone. But we handled it well and here we are.. last night we just met 'cause he helped my family (moving day). He is also close to my mom. It's rare. So far.. he's the best.
You know what, when i'm writing about someone, it doesn't mean they are perfect for me or even to herself/himself. They also have 'blind side', weakness. But i love the way they love their own selves. And i love how they taking care people around them. Not just Alan. I will write every single good people here, maybe in separate post. I want make it readable instead of expressing it directly 'cause i'm bad at it, and i thought i can't always have time to see my besties often. So.. this is just another way to tell about my feelings.
I know Alan will have better days and good future since he is hard worker and never complain about his life at all. He also taking care his younger sister very very well. I amazed by that. Mostly people are hiding their life stories, but Alan.. He's honest, just like me. That's why i said he is my twin. 'cause we were born in very close time to each other. He's tyas in male version. By the way, right or false, happy birthday xiaoshan, RIP my dear :) I'll see you in your hometown someday.
I know Alan will have better days and good future since he is hard worker and never complain about his life at all. He also taking care his younger sister very very well. I amazed by that. Mostly people are hiding their life stories, but Alan.. He's honest, just like me. That's why i said he is my twin. 'cause we were born in very close time to each other. He's tyas in male version. By the way, right or false, happy birthday xiaoshan, RIP my dear :) I'll see you in your hometown someday.
Friday, November 3, 2017
11. Mind & The City: ANOTHER MORNING
Again and again and again, we're moving out. It's just 2 weeks ago. Okay, i bet nobody wanna know about this but lemme strip some burdens off, 'cause like a normal human, i got tired and sad too. I always have 2 sides, happy-sad. No, i'm just not too much. It's keep me simple as a human. I don't wanna count how many times we moved. 'cause maybe this is the last, i mean my mom, at least. I knew she must be tired of this. But i hope she wouldn't be tired to waiting, her daughter will take her along the world. Not to move, but to travel surround the world. And you know what? Sometimes we have to speak our dreams out. Can be writings or light conversation with someone.
I put the second glass next to another glass i didn't put away yet since last night. 07:23, November 3rd 2017. I'm controlling my allergy, it's not really cold outside but.. i always have a cold in the morning and almost every-after showering. I know.. many people experienced the same thing, but it's nauseating me. And the most annoying symptoms is when rhinitis recurs all of sudden at midnight. I can't get any signs, it just happened for a few minutes and then leave. All i got to do is just drink more water.
New rent house in 23. It's normal. Maybe, another kidds are already married. But i'm one of them who not marry yet. And it's not a big problem, for me, at least. I don't care if they are hoping marriage on me soon. I can't promise when. I know, it's not a good topic right. I'm not sure i can continue my writings if i already have my own family, except my future husband is cool. Cool and gorgeous LOL.
It's lifted me up. This kind of activity. Is it too plain ? I mean, i almost always being a honest person to anything and anyone. This blog is included. I live a very respectful life. I don't wanna be rude, don't wanna hurt someone's feelings except they bother me first.
♫Ben Lee - Love Me Like the World is Ending
Ben Lee, repeating..
"Stay sane" that's what Gita Savitri told earlier this year. She is positive, one of my favorite human in this world. I don't know what to say, but i have few, no, not just a few, but almost all of her thoughts are similar with mine. I feel connected since the first time i visit her blog. If you guys ever blogwalking, youtube addict, or NET lovers, you must know her too. She's very positive and it's just wow.
Monday, October 16, 2017
10. Mind & The City: THE BARBERSHOP
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Senin, 25 September 2017
Pukul 7 malam, aku baru selesai sholat maghrib di lantai 2 barbershop, lalu turun kebawah. Memasukkan handuk-handuk kecil ke dalam mesin penghangat setelah diperas dan digulung kecil-kecil. Memasuki minggu ke-4 aku bekerja disini. Rasanya tidak ingin berlalu sangat cepat, tapi begitulah adanya. Kalau tidak cepat, maka tidak akan gajian. That's logic. Selesai mengerjakan handuk, aku pergi keluar. Di sebelah barat barbershop ada minimarket, dimana biasa aku membeli permen untuk di taruh di meja depan barber. Jangan sampai kehabisan. Tentu saja, membeli permen bukan satu-satunya misiku, misi lainnya adalah mendapatkan 'uang kecil' untuk kembalian di meja kasir barber.
110 langkah pergi dan kembali, totalnya 220 langkah. Aku suka saat harus berjalan kaki kemana-mana. Mengetahui jumlah langkah kaki yang banyak terkadang membuat diri merasa lebih sehat. Beruntung rumahku memiliki tangga untuk kekamar atas, memungkinkanku setiap hari olahraga tangga di rumah dan di tempat kerja juga begitu. Aku mengambil 2 bungkus permen di rak dekat meja kasir MM, rasa mint dan susu, juga 1 kaleng larutan penyegar rasa apel. Totalnya 18 ribu rupiah. Setelah membayar, aku kembali ke barber. Aku benar-benar suka jalan kaki, apalagi daerah ini adalah daerah yang selalu kuimpikan untuk bekerja. Tidak lama untukku memutuskan menerima tawaran bekerja disini karena faktor wilayah favorit tadi.
Entah kenapa aku selalu mencintai setiap kota tempat tinggalku. Kepuasanku sesederhana itu. Walau diawalnya cukup sulit untuk membiasakan diri di tempat-tempat yang asing. Seumur hidupku, 23 tahun, aku sudah pernah tinggal di 5 kota : Tanjung Tabalong, Banjarbaru (Kalimantan Selatan), Medan (Sumatra Utara), Loa Kulu (Kutai Kartanegara), dan Balikpapan (Kalimatan Timur). Well, walau bukan semuanya kota. Masih ada kota lain yang masuk dalam wishlist, tapi kali nanti aku akan pindah sendiri. Butuh 2 tahun untuk hafal, nyaman dan percaya diri "menjelajahi" Balikpapan. Dan tempatku bekerja sekarang ada dalam kawasan yang bisa dibilang elite. Karna merupakan kawasan perumahan gaya Eropa, banyak expatriets yang tinggal disini. Ada juga mall yang menurutku adalah mall paling kecil di Balikpapan. To be honest, it's cozy shopping mall since i don't like crowded place and wait too long to pay at cassa. Next time i promise to capture anything around the shop :)
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Minggu hectic
Kesal tak terbendung mungkin
Karena tak dapat kuasai waktu
Walau sangat tipis
Kita tetap menang
Weekend sibuk
Tempat tidur yang didambakan
Bincang hangat dengan family
Kita masuki fase yang "sulit"
Inilah saatnya..
Hingga kita tak menunda lagi
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
TULUS - Tukar Jiwa (Chord)
Bmaj7 E6 Bmaj7 E6
Bmaj7 E6 Bmaj7 E6
aku kehabisan cara
tuk jelaskan padamu..
mengapa sulit tuk lupakanmu
aku kehabisan cara
tuk gambarkan padamu
F#maj7 C#maj7
kau di mata dan di pandanganku
woo oo..
Bmaj7 A#m7 D#m7
coba..satu hari saja
G#m7 Dm D#m7
kau jadi diriku
C#maj7 F#maj7
kau akan mengerti
Bmaj7 A#m
kau akan mengerti
D#m7 C#m7 F#7 Bmaj7
bagai..mana ku melihatmu
C#7 C#maj7 A#
D#m G#
C#sus4 F#7
dari sudut..pandangku
C#sus4 F#7
dari sudut..pandangku
aku kehabisan cara
tuk gambarkan padamu
F#maj7 G#m7 A A# C#maj7
kau dimata dan di pandanganku
F#maj7 G#m7
satu hari bertukar jiwa
A G#m7
kau akan mengerti
F#maj7 Bmaj7 F#maj7
dan berhenti bertanya-tanya
Bmaj7 A#m7
coba..satu hari saja
G#m7 Dm D#m7
kau jadi diriku
C#maj7 F#maj7
kau akan mengerti
Bmaj7 A#m
kau akan mengerti
D#m7 C#m7 F#7 Bmaj7
bagai..mana ku melihatmu
Bmaj7 A#m7 D#m7
coba..satu hari saja
G#m7 Dm D#m7
kau jadi diriku
C#maj7 F#maj7
kau akan mengerti
Bmaj7 A#m
kau akan mengerti
D#m7 C#m7 F#7 Bmaj7
bagai..mana ku melihatmu
C#7 C#maj7 A#
D#m G#
C#7 C#maj7 A#
D#m G#
C#sus4 F#7
dari sudut..pandangku
C#sus4 F#7
dari sudut..pandangku
C#sus4 F#7
dari sudut..pandangku
C#sus4 F#7
dari sudut..pandangku
Sunday, September 24, 2017
08. Mind and The City STARTED!
Hai. Saya mau announce kalau dalam beberapa bulan ke depan saya akan rutin menulis short story. Judulnya Mind & The City. Mind & The City awalnya hanyalah entri berisi pikiran dan pendapat tentang kota yang saya tinggali sekarang yang tujuannya merangkum narasi yang terus menerus mengalir di kepala saya sewaktu saya berkendara, ke mall, ke pantai, atau hanya sekedar belanja sayur dan ikan di pasar. Setiap tempat punya kisah di waktu yang sama dan berbeda.
Saya menciptakan Mind & The City agar saya bisa merekam memori saat tinggal di kota ini. Karena jujur saya, banyak hal dan peristiwa yang terlewatkan begitu saja tanpa bisa ada yang di tengok atau dibaca kembali. Belakangan saya sering membuka-buka folder foto milik mamah. Ada moment yang terlewati, ada tempat yang tidak terfoto, foto yang seharusnya ada, setelah saya cari berjam-jam tetap tidak ketemu. Saat otak saya berusaha untuk mengingat secara detail namun gagal, foto, tulisan, film, atau apapun itu akan sangat membantu. Entah untuk berkarya, untuk tetap hidup, untuk lebih bersyukur, untuk melanjutkan mimpi. Tapi ada sebagian orang yang membiarkan masa lalunya begitu saja, tanpa harus melupakan atau mengingat. Tidak ada kenangan berupa gambar atau apapun itu, saya yakin pasti benar ada orang-orang seperti mereka. Tidak perlu melakukan ini pun mereka tetap baik baik saja.
Tapi untuk para introvert, mengerti sekali yang saya lakukan sekarang bukanlah hal sia-sia (jika positif). I know exactly what's good for me and i'll keep doing this. Karna impian hanyalah mimpi tanpa aksi. Karna saya tidak bisa menunda lagi untuk semua hal yang sangat ingin saya lakukan selama bertahun-tahun sebelumnya. So, in the end of this kind of announcement, i hope you guys enjoy. And thanks for coming around :)
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Friday, September 8, 2017
07. Anyway, Thanks!
Hey! Can't believe "it's already 9 of 12". I really like that phrase lately. It's already September! So many things happened earlier this year. I'm sooo blessed and accept all good or bad things. Such been forever since i posted about mind and the city. FYI, i always update something like 'this' when i feel 'i got myself'. Not in bad or good mood, just feel thankful for what's been and what i have now. Honestly, i'm too afraid to start but i'm 23, it's not necessary to be doubtful in this age. So i didn't think twice for what i like. I will start singing at cafes soon and it's heading a week since i was hire at barbershop in the city. I'm glad starting from the beginning, begin again. I'm such a mess to handle my heart but i think it's getting better now. Wanna say thanks to people around me who keeps believing and let me alive kkkkk. For who doesn't believe in me, also, thank you. I don't live up your expectations :)
I'm not going to make new wishlist down here, but just to remain me that all i have right now is enough. I always telling myself, be a good man is enough, don't ask for more and enjoy the ride. I don't know what happen but by the time, people's change. They do and they should. It's kinda hard for me to accept but i keep do introspection and open my mind widely about that. Maybe, i'm different but my friends aren't going anywhere, they're the same people, it's just the situation changed.
By the time, i also make my list lil bit shorter than before. It short but huge. I want to save a lot then travelling. I really want to do it. Is 1 year enough ? I'm going to work and sing, play guitar, make money then i'll go to everywhere in my list. There's many things has been left or forgotten but i don't want to be it. My life should be the best one, based on my point of view. By the time, i know what i should do, what i need, what i don't need. I'm scared about starting, stand by my own 2 feets alone, getting old, but i realize it's a life.
I want to copy something into this post. Something that change my opinion about life and humanity, since one year ago. It contains a few of quotes. Hope it will open your mind widely too. Thanks for coming here. I'm glad to have you here :)
The Paradoxical Commandments
by Dr. Kent M. Keith
People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.
People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.
© Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Phillip Phillips MILES Chord
Right now I need an escapeG Am
From this gravity that holds me down
We gotta leave here today
G Am
G Am
Cause insanity is all around
Cause we're works of art
We're falling stars
We're falling stars
We're fire waiting for a spark
We're fire waiting for a spark
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
[verse 2]
It's getting harder to breathe
G Am
In this atmosphere, from these dizzy heights
In this atmosphere, from these dizzy heights
Dm G
With you close to me, we can disappear
With you close to me, we can disappear
In this endless night
Cause we're works of art
In this endless night
Cause we're works of art
We're falling stars
We're falling stars
We're fire waiting for a spark
We're fire waiting for a spark
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
No, we're never gonna touch the ground
No, we're never gonna touch the ground
If you follow me in this mystery
Am C
We could swim inside these crowds
We could swim inside these crowds
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
I'm not giving up, giving up
G Am
We're so high
We're so high
Won't you look at us, look at us?
Won't you look at us, look at us?
No, we're never gonna touch the ground
If you follow me in this mystery
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
No, we're never gonna touch the ground
No, we're never gonna touch the ground
If you follow me in this mystery
Am C
We could swim inside these crowds
We could swim inside these crowds
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
Yeah, we're gonna be miles up, up, up
No, we're never gonna come down
No, we're never gonna come down
Monday, August 28, 2017
Danilla - Terpaut Oleh Waktu CHORD
Intro :
Dm7 G7 Em A11 Dm7 G#Dim
CM7 Am7 Em7
Tenggelam aku di rupamu
Dm7 Fm7 Em7 A7
Ke palung rindu yang tersemu
Dm7 FM7 A#7 A7
Tak ada ruang yang tersisa
dalam sendu
FM7 Em7 Em7/D# Dm7 G7 CM7 C7
Tersimpan batas saat sayu
mengadu Kuingin kepadamu
FM7 Fm7
Bayangmu ingin kucumbu
Em7 A7
Tapi tersapu oleh sadarku
Dm7 Fm7
Nyatamu kian merayu
Em7 A7
Terbius aku hingga membeku
Dm7 G7 CM7
Tapi ku terharu kau terpaut
oleh waktu
Source : Youtube
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Intro :
F F7 F F7
annyeong oraenmaniya
Bb Bbm
mureumpyo eopshi cham neodaun moksori
jeonghaejin gyuchikcheoreom
Bb Bbm
chuun mungae neul ttokgateun ne jari
F Bb
jedaero jal meogeo da jinaganikka
Am Bb C
yejeoncheoreom jamdo jal jage doel geoya
jinshimeuro bilge
Bb Am G C
neoneun deo haengbokhal jagyeongi isseo
jedaero jal meogeo da jinaganikka
Am Bb C
yejeoncheoreom jamdo jal jage doel geoya
jinshimeuro bilge
Bb Am G C
neoneun deo haengbokhal jagyeongi isseo
Bb Am
geureon mareun haji ma jebal
Gm F
geu mari deo apeun geo aljana
Bb C Am
saranghaejul georamyeo da mweoya
Bb C F
eotteon mameul jun geonji neoneun moreul geoya
geureon mareun haji ma jebal
Gm F
geu mari deo apeun geo aljana
Bb C Am
saranghaejul georamyeo da mweoya
Bb C F
eotteon mameul jun geonji neoneun moreul geoya
oeroweotdeon mankeum
neoreul neoboda saranghaejul saram
kkok mannasseumyeon hae
naega aniraseo mianae
juneun ge swibjiga ana
neoreul neoboda saranghaejul saram
kkok mannasseumyeon hae
naega aniraseo mianae
juneun ge swibjiga ana
Bb Am
geureon mareun haji ma jebal
Gm F
geu mari deo apeun geo aljana
Bb C Am
saranghaejul georamyeo da mweoya
Bb C F
eotteon mameul jun geonji neoneun moreul geoya
Overtune 1 Key
geureon mareun haji ma jebal
Gm F
geu mari deo apeun geo aljana
Bb C Am
saranghaejul georamyeo da mweoya
Bb C F
eotteon mameul jun geonji neoneun moreul geoya
Overtune 1 Key
soljikhi malhaejullae jebal
neoramyeon da minneun geo aljana
ne maldaero eonjenga nado
na gateun nugungaege
sarangbatge doelkka?
neoramyeon da minneun geo aljana
ne maldaero eonjenga nado
na gateun nugungaege
sarangbatge doelkka?
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Behringer Uphoria UM2 VS Focusrite Scarlett Solo
Saya akan review soundcard atau audio interface Behringer Uphoria UM2 yang beberapa waktu lalu kembali saya beli. Pertama kali saya pakai UM2 ini di tahun 2015 lalu saya jual untuk 'upgrade' ke Focusrite Scarlett yang Solo, but saya balik lagi ke UM2 karena apa ? Nanti dibawah saya jelasin deh. Kali ini saya akan bandingkan dengan Scarlett Solo.
UM2 ini saya beli di tokopedia, nama tokonya Maniac Musik, harganya sekitar 750 ribuan, plus ongkir ke Kalimantan Timur totalnya 789.000. Untuk alat musik/recording yang kecil selain Gitar biasanya aku cari nya online karena biasanya lebih murah. Di Balikpapan bisa dibilang harganya lumayan mahal. Tapi bagi yang tinggal di Balikpapan dan sekitarnya, saya rekomendasikan ke Galeri Musik atau Gramedia. Di Gramedia cukup sering ngasih diskon.
UM2 ini packagenya sama dengan UM2 yang saya beli 2 tahun lalu. Kualitasnya outputnya 11/12 dengan scarlett solo. Menurut saya, cuma materialnya aja yang beda. Kalo kualitas beda tipis, saya rasa ini ideal banget untuk saya. Bahannya plastik jadi nggak khawatir kegores dan lebih ringan. Fitur di body nya juga kurang lebih sama scarlett solo. Ada output gain di masing2 channel, input headphone, dll. Bisa dilihat di foto.
Oh iya perbedaan kelengkapan yang kita dapat dari masing masing soundcard adalah kalau di dus behringer kita bakal dapat kertas/buku panduan, kabel data, soundcardnya, sama sticker behringer warna kuning. Sedangkan di scarlett solo cuma ada panduan, kabel usb sama soundcard.
Focusrite Scarlett Solo sekitar Rp 1.350.000 ke atas
Behringer Uphoria UM2 sekitar Rp 750.000 ke atas
Kesamaan dari kedua soundcard:
- Memiliki 2 input (microphone/line XLR, instrument 6,5 mm)
- Memiliki phantom power 48V switcher
- Input dan output gain control tubes
- Input headphone
- LED indicator
- Line output di bagian belakang body
UM2 lebih murah 500 ribu dari scarlett solo
Kualitas kurang lebih sama
UM2 memiliki bobot lebih ringan
UM2 harganya lebih bersahabat untuk yang pengen bikin diy studio di kamar :)
Things to do when get bored
I think i had posted few times about how to get rid of bored or things to do when you get bored. Honestly, i never bored. Which, in Bahasa we say it "bosan". I just don't know what good things to do to eliminate/avoid negative thinking in my hard times except prayers. I mean, i want to do something good for myself, an effective ways to make a better version of me, how to always be positive even in my hard times. If you wanna know my situation right now.. i don't have a job now.
Maybe, it's been a year or so. I think it's not a big deal at the beginning, but now, my family are starting to worry about it. Is it about making money or any else, i don't know. I enjoy my life before. Save money to bought music and recording stuff, make some music covers, blogging. For me, these kind of activities are investment too. I'm earn some money, i believe. But maybe, they just don't know, don't get idea what i'm doing now. I don't want to explain anything too, except my music activities such as practice guitar, song writing, or go practice with my band, which is more visible in eyes.
I never bored. Maybe now, i'm just suppressed and not healthy. But this is what i want to share. This morning, now is 6:40 a.m. I'm still on my bed, listening Angus & Julia Stone, their style is so me. See, i enjoy being just and with myself. But again, i want to share things to do whenever you get bored, suppressed, want to eliminate negative thinkings, etc. But remember one thing outside these, prayer.
- Watch YouTube. I will go to live performance of my favorite bands, or new indie bands. You may check Beauty Handsome band, it is my favorite one from South Korea. I recently also googling about Bad Romance (K-indie band). Listening to their songs is like seeing dreams come true. It boost me.
- Watch a movie. I recently watch a movie and K-drama too. But my genre is always drama, romance. Which has happy endings, but most of them are half happy, half sad. I don't know how to say it. You always get a value or solution of the problem in a movie.
- Clean my bedroom. I did it 2 weeks ago before i get ill. I share a room with my 2 brothers, but i don't really be there often. I only have my cupboard and my desk there, where i placed books, soundcard, and my guitar too.
- Read a book. I have some books that i never done read. I take one of them when i had hard time, broken-hearted, it's right time to read a novel. I used to take 'em into my tiny bag, bring it wherever i go. For me, books are good companion. I read a survey result said that reading a book could store age; membaca dapat memperpanjang usia. Just google it.
- Listen to John Mayer's songs. I am a big fan of Mayer. I listen to his songs whenever i get down. I think the lyrics are really good to make me grateful.
- Song writing practice. Maybe, it's an exception. Except you are songwriter or musician, practice is good option. Sometimes you need sad feelings to write. I've done many lyrics, but i can't find the good one to publish as a song. Once i heard that lyrics are never be done. I agree with that.
- Visit . This tips i got from another website. Unsubscribe all unwanted emails, clean your inbox. Sometimes i want to get any emails everyday, but i don't know.. only important emails or from the closest one. But email is sensitive thing. I care about it enough.
- Take a walk. I want to explore the city more. More about nature and light adventure. I believe this is good thing to do. To eliminate your boredom. Get fresh air and enjoy the rest of the day watch sunset and have a snacks with your brothers maybe. My friend told me to bring headset, so i can listen to great tracks while watching the sunset.
- Cooking. Honestly, i really want to learn more about cooking. Pastry is my weakness. I interest in cooking main course. Daily's cuisine. But i can said that cooking is easy thing. You can cook, everyone can. Just by check the recipe and try it out. And be used to it. Once my late father said, "when you don't know how much you should put the sugar, salt, or any ingredients, use your instinct".
- Do the experiment. "Experiment" is kinda heavy for me. That word is came from my friend Gilang when he offered me to make music together spontaneously. So, maybe the right words is music experiment. Now i'm trying out to make song cover instrumental from one of Indonesia's movie soundtrack. I agree with "you'll never know til u try".
- Drink coffee. I personally not really like coffee but sometimes i need it. I'm curious how the taste of original coffee at coffee shop. I really want to visit klinik kopi, which is located in Samarinda. I don't know, maybe if Balikpapan also has great and cheap coffee shop, i will come with pleasure. I only consume instant coffee maybe 2-3 times a month.
- Photograph everything you like. I interest to photograph more about chinese housing. Like a temple, monasteries, ancient places, that has more traditional values in it. Photograph it and share it to Instagram, Tumblr, Blog, or any else.
Now, i'm out of my stress and hard time after did a few things above. The most important thing is prayer and effort to be better :) Have a nice life folks.
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