Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mr. HeadBox - Young (Chord and Lyric)

Em Bm C
Young we will never be old we're young
Living in the moment where no one
Ever gonna understand us
We are

Young like an eagle we'll fly beyond
Through the mountains where there's no one
Ever gonna find us
'cause we are

Em Bm C D
Young, so we can make everything feels so right
Do things that forbidden break the rules
And do what we like
Party invitations always there in every night
Let us feel the youth because we won't ever
Get it twice

Em Bm C D
Wo ooo ohh
Em Bm C
Wo ooo ohh

Em Bm C
Young we can party all night til dawn
Ancing tirelessly, with our song
There's nobody can stop us
We are

Em Bm C
Young show the wild things inside us run
No need to hide a thing you'll be fine
Just live your days as you like 'cause
We are

Em Bm C D
Young, so we can make everything feels so right
Do things that forbidden break the rules
And do what we like
Party invitations always there in every night
Let us feel the youth 'cause we won't ever
Get it twice

Em Bm C D
Wo ooo ohh
Em Bm C
Wo ooo ohh
Em Bm C D
Wo ooo ohh
Em Bm C
Wo ooo ohh
Em Bm C D
Wo ooo ohh
Em Bm C
Wo ooo ohh

Em Bm C
Young we can party all night til dawn
Dancing tirelessly with our song
There's nobody can stop us
We are

Em Bm C D
Young, so we can make everything feels so right
Do things that forbidden break the rules
And do what we like
Party invitations always there in every night
Let us feel the youth because we won't ever
Get it twice

Em Bm C D
We are young, so we can make everything feels so right
Do things that forbidden break the rules
And do what we like
Party invitations always there in every night
Let us feel the youth because we won't ever
Get it twice

Em Bm C D
We are young, so we can make everything feels so right
Do things that forbidden break the rules
And do what we like
Party invitations always there in every night
Let us feel the youth because we won't ever
Get it twice

Em Bm C
We are young

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Riding to Samboja // Naik Motor ke Samboja

오랜만이야.. It's been a long time, i really want to post a story about travelling. It's not travelling though, but it is my first time riding out of the city, at least "out". I'm not riding lover, but i love this short trip. In October 2015, i once joined my friend's bike tour to Tenggarong but i didn't drive, so it's different thing. 

I'm.. being lazy a lot since i don't have camera. I trust digital camera pretty much than my smartphone's cam. But since i love to capture a lot, i'll saving more to get new camera. I would post 'photography' often. Not much to tell. I'm still feeling so tired. I've been planned this since 1 year i believe. To meet my friend there who's already have her second babies.. I love the journey, 2 hours riding my bike, follow the long straight road from Balikpapan. 

this was not long trip i guess, and i did not capture much, just a few places cause we were in hurry.. But i'm telling you, when you go on trip by car and bike, it is two very different things. Beda banget rasanya. Kalo buat cewek, pasti lebih enak/prefer mobil deh. Karena apa ? Satu, make up nggak luntur kena keringet. Dua, nggak kepanasan. Tiga, bisa tiduran ahaha. Tapi pengalamannya lebih terasa pas naik motor. Believe me. Kepanasan, kedinginan, keringetan, resiko. Bedak, lipstik luntur kena masker. I'm interest on it.

Kami start dari rumah jam 3, Minggu sore dan sampai di Samboja, tepatnya di Sanipah sekitar jam setengah 6 sore. Nama nama kelurahan di Samboja pake nama daerah jawa gitu. Kayak Wonotirto, Argosari, Margomulyo. Berasa di Jawa :D

Samboja is my grandma hometown, i am curious how if i live there. So i asked my friend to stay at her house for one day with my brother, karna kalo berhari-hari bisa ngga enak, takut ngerepotin. Samboja itu punya 21 kelurahan. Yang saya inget sih yang tadi Wonotirto, Amborawang Darat, Sanipah, Kuala, Tanjung Harapan, Teluk Pemedas, dll. Semuanya bisa dilalui lewat satu jalur guys. Jadi tuh bener-bener kayak jalan lurus gitu, kita bakal ngelewatin kelurahan-kelurahan di Samboja sekaligus. Keren tidak? Tapi kami cuma sampai Sanipah, nggak terus ke Handil. Kalau terus lagi, bisa bisa tembus ke kota Samarinda.

Sapi sapi besar makan rumput
Di sepanjang jalan melewati berbagai kelurahan tsb, banyak pemandangan bagus. Jaraknya pendek tapi worth it. Ada semacam kebun di Wonotirto, fyi di Wonotirto pemandangannya paling menarik. Ada lahan hijau yang lumayan luas, didalamnya banyak sapi sapi besar lagi makan rumput. Ada area persawahan juga yang saya yakin kalo sore hari bakalan sejuk banget. Tapi pas waktu pergi, kami nggak sempatin mampir karna sudah dekat maghrib. 

Sampai disana, malamnya cuma silaturahmi terus tidur. Besoknya langsung balik ke Balikpapan dan nyempetin ke pantai di Teluk Pemedas, nama pantainya pantai Pemedas. Lumayan terkenal dan banyak pengunjung di hari Senin. Awalnya kami bingung karena jarak pantai satu sama yang lain sangat berdekatan. Pantai pertama yang kami lihat adalah Pantai Pelangi, beberapa puluh meter kemudian ada lagi pantai Pemedas, satu lagi saya lupa.

Pintu Masuk Pantai Pemedas
Sekitar jam 12 siang, tengah hari guys, matahari di atas kepala banget itu. Kami pilih pantai Pemedas, tiket masuknya 5 ribu. Pantainya pendek, pengunjungnya ramai walau di hari Senin dan di siang bolong. Ada wahana nya gitu, ada banyak warung yang berjajar, dan paklek jualan es. Yha, seperti pantai pada umumnya. Cuma sangat sayang, pantainya kotor. Banyak sampah. Kalau di lautnya bersih. Banyak banget keluarga yang pada piknik, bawa tikar sendiri, ada juga yang nyewa. Makan bareng, foto bareng, atau sekedar duduk-duduk santai. Ada juga yang hammockan. Kalo nggak salah sih 3 cowok gitu sengaja bawa hammock. Kalau di Balikpapan ga bakalan deh pantai kota seramai ini di waktu siang.

Me (left), my brother (right)



Kami cuma mampir sebentar, sekitar setengah jam lalu balik ngelanjutin perjalanan pulang. Sampai di Wonotirto turun sebentar ke sawah, ada jembatan kayu panjang membelah area persawahan yang konon sering dijadikan latar potret pre-wedding dan tempat hunting paling menarik.

So, that's all we got. Sampai di Balikpapan sore hari. Cukup lelah daripada waktu berangkat.