Tuesday, November 12, 2019

the changes

lightnings are still happen outside since the past hour
i just get home after work and having a late dinner with my friends
it's 2:23 a.m when i'm typing on my laptop... finally...
the last day has come (after 15 days)

i miss this, typing on my laptop
listen to the fan's sound, calm..
it is just the perfect me time for me

i still can feel my back hurt
hurt for the wholeeee weekdays-weekend
but it's not a problem since i really want to do physical job

what is the changes?
i think it's very small changes from me

  1. i don't have any goals now
  2. my life is wayyyyy to simple now (i don't force myself, when i'm tired take a break and learn how to let go of things that doesn't belong to me anymore)
  3. talk or not talk to anyone is fine for me, i don't take it seriously anymore, it's so flexible now
  4. take any chance, take any chance, even if i am unfit or lack of sleep, i don't wanna miss one chance (music activity or a real working) i might make my music activity as a real job for me someday but idk yet, depends on many factors
  5. i'm not process oriented anymore but also the result now
  6. emotionally stable now, i mean.. i don't hide my emotional and hoarding it myself. i ask my mom or my bestie to help me at least to just listen to me and give me the most effective solution of it
so, who am i ? 
this is my public journal
everyone can read this
and everyone has their own rights to judge and to see
prove that i love myself since i made this blog
until now, it never disappoint me at all

1 comment:

  1. According to Stanford Medical, It is really the ONLY reason women in this country get to live 10 years more and weigh on average 19 kilos lighter than us.

    (And really, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with genetics or some hard exercise and really, EVERYTHING about "HOW" they eat.)

    BTW, I said "HOW", not "WHAT"...

    TAP this link to determine if this little questionnaire can help you find out your real weight loss possibility
