Saturday, May 14, 2022

Officially An iPhone User!

and again, i'm here just for me in the future or for one day if i miss my youth life hehe. i have a sore throat lately, idk i thought that it was enough after took degirol twice a couple days ago, but it comeback again now.. idk maybe after a long time not practicing guitar and sing, idk. 

i know now, the views and the "consistent" content making stuff is driving me crazy sometimes.. when i think a lot about my life in the future, my faith, my believes, i get tired. and i just want to enjoy my life, in the present time, in this moment. so, it helps me a lot i think? so i don't need to be worry that much anymore.

and about consistent content making, i finally chose the iPhone as my next daily driver, so i'm now officially an iPhone user after so many years with Xiaomi. i still love their devices ofc! but i'm very open to challenge myself or a new experience. and this time, the experience itself is also more pricey. but it's very OK, what a great self gift! i was thinking to get the Google Pixel again, but i don't think i can use it for a long term after comparing to its price, spec, and availability in Indonesia. now, i wanna use the phone for a long term. but, Pixel is best for me too.. it's hard to find a compact smartphone right now in the market. 6 inch screen is the maximum for my small hands. so, babibu, i want to make the title to centre align..

Officially An iPhone User!

ini norak sih, cuma ya i do it for me LOL. reason to move to iPhone/iOS :

1. wanted a small, compact smartphone

2. best spec, best camera, best quality

3. for a long term use

4. help to do my dreams as a content creator, aamiin

5. new challenge

so far, this iPhone is my most expensive thing that i bought on my own with my savings in 1 year. the most expensive after my electric guitar, Fender strato mexico standard. well, i'm proud of myself because i've succeed for what it called decluttering.. i sell my digital camera which was i rarely use since corona came. it's on decluttering thing too right ? now i can use my stuff effectively dan gak mubazir. so, my goals in the next 2 years is get busy with my music and content stuff.. make money from it and help more people out there, maybe i will join like volunteering somewhere or in my city. 

about the Xiaomi 11T which i bought 4 months ago, i gave it to my mom so i can still see or borrow it haha. win-win solution. then i sell my mom's previous phone to add some support of my wallet after buy the iPhone. now, i have to find a good job again. i'm still thinking, exactly feeling a bit guilty because i rejected 3 or 4 offers from my previous company. so, i have dilemma now. haha, it's a life. to Tyas in the future, it's OK.. this phase of life is full of stability and proud. 

*update: i m no longer using 11 pro now.

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