Tuesday, September 20, 2022


saya mulai lagi, mengandalkan menulis menjadi salah satu pengalihan dari diri yang sudah mulai lelah merespon permasalahan yang ada di kehidupan sendiri. Mind and The City sudah jadi topik utama di blog saya, sejak Agustus 2016. sebenarnya sebagian besar adalah tentang apapun yang saya alami, pikirkan, semua dari sudut pandang saya pribadi.

cutting my nails on my lyric paper is not the dirtiest thing i've ever done. like tonight, i think it's the first time i'm doing it. it's too bad to use tissue or directly into the trash bin. idk, will i still use it as my lyric paper? of course no. 

but hey, 'sup?
i'm watching my favourite TV series now, High Fidelity with Zoƫ Kravitz at it. do you know her? she's the cat woman on batman movie. idk, i ust love the vibes. Rob's messy love life, Newyork city, nice! i'll watch the movie version later.

what a cold and windy evening. now i'm sitting outside. after a long day of my maddest day. i feel guilty for it. but it's my rights to share and think that way. i won't do it anymore, i'm telling myself. idk, it's a weird feeling yet beautiful to sit here with my laptop, my phone, and all of the noises outside. this is what exactly i've been dreaming of when i was younger. that time before i own what i owned right now. 

this laptop
this dream phone
the windy road
the stable internet
and with my messy mind

i feel guilty because of what i've shared this morning
it only contained with anger
on the other place, my friend's waiting for her mom
i can feel her
i wish everything's gets better
wish i can help
at least to be more grateful for my life
"nothing last forever, so enjoy it"
there's always one person in my life who reminds me to be grateful
and do not focus on sad stuff
but also my happiness

and my anger today..
change my point of view
it be more wider than before
bad or good, thanks people and the city

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