Saturday, February 22, 2014

10 Things Happened in 20 Years

Alhamdulillah, sekarang saya udah 20 tahun. Which meaning I’m getting older and lost 1 year again in life. Sebelumnya, ini postingan udah diedit jadi lebih pendek. Karena.. Ngepostingnya telat jadi berasa basi deh. Disini, ada 10 hal, kejadian, atau peristiwa unik atau ngga terlupakan sepanjang ingatanku selama 20 tahun ini. 

I would say thanks to this people . Teman sekolah, teman kuliah, sahabat atau mantan sahabat, semuuua guru sekolah, dosen kuliah dan pastinya keluarga. So, this is 10 things happened/uniqueness/accident/new hobbies/else :
  1. I entered to elementary school when I was 5 years old.
  2. I loved music and guitar since I was child.
  3. I’m starting play guitar (seriously) since I was in elementary school – Now. Thanks for my course teacher, Boby.
  4. I was graduated from Senior high school in age 17 years old.
  5. Start singing in 2012.
  6. When I moved to Balikpapan (my current live place now) it is the 20th times house moving in Indonesia. I ever live in Tanjung Tabalong (South Kalimantan/my hometown), Medan (North Sumatra), and Kutai Kartanegara (East Kalimantan).
  7. I was join singing contest at celebration of campus’s anniversary. That was very first time  singing in front of college’s people.
  8. Once, won a writing contest in campus (very first time) -->
Yes, it's me number 1 mewakili jurusan FBS.02
       9. Got an accident (a lifetime) on May, 14th 2013 when I went to work.
      10. I finished my study in age 19 years old.
Hmm, sebelumnya juga.. Saya berterima kasih untuk orang-orang yang sudah pernah baca sebagian atau seluruh  blog saya. Semoga menginspirasi atau memotivasi atau jadikan hiburan saja.

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